Friday, May 15, 2009

Ben Slater's Pot Blog Crit.

So I would have to say that Ben Slater's blog is one of the most thought out blogs I have seen. The amount of information given and the amount of references add to the substance of the information.

I am not sure how many times I have heard this argument and seen this data, though. I have nothing against cannabis and it's medical uses but lets be honest. The medical records would be flooded with an epidemic fluctuation of people with Alzheimer's, diabetes, Tourettes and incontinence when most of the people requesting it do not even know how to say the word, much less what it is.

Now let me back up and say not all cannabis users are... well, slow, but I am sure we all know that guy that goes... "DUUUDDE". There is a persona that comes with being a cannabis user and it is slow and with a comical laugh. People see Bill and Ted when they think about it and to change that thought process is what will change the legal classification. Till then people will watch G4TV and see Half Baked and HighMe and vote to stop it at all cost because no one wants a world of slow potheads.

Another argument is the amount of taxes it could bring in, like cigarettes do. Will this really happen? With the US working so hard at shutting down cigarette manufacturers do you think this maybe possible? Will we really see the amount of our state tax go up and would that be what is right? Granted, rich people will pay for it and the poor will too, but if it is really medical why would we get taxes from it at all? The argument is not sound, in my opinion. Medical means only a few people will actually buy it and it would be those with a sickness that justifies its use. I would love to see on TV an elderly man on the ground saying "DUUUUDE I've fallen and can not get.. uh wait who am I and where am I?" Then a guy in a cheap pin striped suit with a movie voice telling me I should reup if I am elderly and getting forgetful. It makes me wonder what the side effects would be and how they would be listed. Would they say it may cause death, diarrhea, numbness, and dizziness? I think they would list them and say, "Then dude you got some good $#%@ call us and give us your supplier" or "you got some bad $#@% throw it out".

Lets be honest the only way taxes will go up is if people who are voting for it are able to get it and stop growing it. We all know that, that cannabis comes from Bill who grows it in his closet and is not terrorists but is not the CEO of a corporation ready to pay taxes due to his 15 baggy a day sales trend. Maybe Bill should get a Pharmaceutical degree and then he could sell it upping the amount of income in his pocket allowing him to spend it on things he wants to help relieve the recession and contribute to some of that sales tax that is alluded to.

I realize just how rude this sounds and I am sorry because it is not meant to be an attack on you but an attack on the people you support. The issue to me is not the drug but the people who use it. You act like a fool and you will be seen as "less than" in society. This may be an American outlook on the issue but it is an issue that cannabis users will have to change. Just do not hide behind medical usages as a reason to get high, and we all know taxes are not going to happen - the only thing that will change is people will smoke it in the open and not hide it in a blunt. Ricky Williams is a prime example of how to handle your desire to legalize pot, just say "I do not want your millions I wanna get high".

Plus we all know the real reason you smoke cannabis is for cataracts - the smoke in the air makes the good eye focus as poorly as the bad eye and that solves the issue.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

My thoughts on politics

So I would be lying if I said I sat down and knew what to write today. So I sat here staring at the screen waiting for the words to appear.

Before this class I had little belief in the government and all it stands for. I feel government officials are sell outs long before they appear before us and they try too hard to meet the middle of the road.

Texas government however, I feel is a whole different dog. Not only does it look towards slander and ruining someone else's image but the people talking have little credibility.

Most officials seem to have an agenda that only betters themselves and not the people they work for. The whole system is top down backwards and other than mass media drama they are lifeless shells, in my opinion. One day they vote for an issue and the next they vote against it. It is like they do not care because in the end it does not matter.

Democrats, Republicans it does not matter they are the same person in a different color suit with their own personal and lobbyist agendas.

Yet somehow it is all working out, kind of. The rich get richer and as long as you have no issues Texas is a pretty good place to live.

Wonder why I sometimes have no real opinion on things; it is because politics is just that, politics. They tell us what we want to hear or what the news media will flip over. They do not care what makes my life better until the shit hits the fan and then the fingers fly. I believe there may be some good people out there fighting the good fight but who they are, I have no clue.

I personally met both of the Bush's and liked them. I found they were smart and a ton of fun, but “W” really made a complete and total fool out of himself and the US. Do I believe Obama is any better? Well, I hope so. This guy got office and I think over all does not give a crap who he ticks off, his agenda is his and so be it. Did I vote for him? No. And McCain was lifeless and not putting up any fight.

Rick Perry is not much better to me. He comes across as a tool and stuck on himself. I would be willing to bet when the polls fall on Obama he will make his run and the Republicans will throw lifeless corpses to "attempt" to dethrone him till then.

That is just what Texas seems to be to me, a series of well placed, well financed men with interests in their minds other than the people. Bush hired more people who were friends than anyone else during his time but I feel all politicians are like lobbyists. Their money is on all the horses in the race just in case one of them wins. Texas seems to be that breeding ground to me.

Yet somehow work gets done. It gets done because of re-election and ONLY if they mess up REALLY BADLY. Bloggers and others bring to light some of the issues but there is more lack of information than information. Let's just hope for the future and for more people willing to get involved and tell the truth. Who knows, maybe we can get an advertising company to attack politics; wonder how long they would be on the air?