Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Texas is good for Big Business

So for the past couple of weeks I have learned a lot about Texas and how it is run. It has sparked much interest which has grown from one major conspiracy to another.

One of these thoughts is the idea that Texas is good for big business. I mean Rick Perry is well to do, George W. Bush was well to do, and many others in high places have made a name for themselves before government. It seems to me that these people would be insane to not ensure their well being after being in office by looking out for their needs.

Throw into the mix the confusing constitution we have and you have a prime example of "good for big business".

Case in point Entergy vs. Summers.

See John Summers worked for a contract labor company called IMC. Who was hired to keep the general maintenance of Entergy. While at work one day he was injured. I am not sure the reason or how he is injured and could find nothing online so we will go with he was injured.

John Summers was awarded Workman's Comp, and sued Entergy for negligence.

Now because of some wording in the contract and confusion within our own laws Entergy is claiming it can not be sued for negligence because it is not the employer and IMC is. Well they won the appeal and so far have to pay no damages.

I will say upfront there is a lot more to this story and tons of links to it and legal stuff to look at. Although to me it seems legit and like a valid argument it seems to remove the responsibility for corporations to be mindful of their employees contract or not.

It also seems like if a company wants to remove itself from massive litigation fees and possibility of being sued contract labor is the way to go. It releases them from any responsibility.

This is just wrong on so many levels. A company should be responsible if they are negligent and cause injury to someone. Looking up Entergy and injury on google I found many cases of this company being sued. Maybe they are being picked out of a long line up, maybe it is the work, and maybe they just need to step up their safety crew. Who knows.

What I am saying is Workman's comp really does not pay the brunt of the bill and if a company is found negligent the company should pay. I do not feel the company should be fleeced but it should pay.

I applaud the Texas Supreme Court for following the letter to the law but this favors big business and forgets the people working.

Links used and read all stating facts about the vote:
Workers' Comp Weakened

Entergy Gulf States, Inc., Petitioner,

Case Analysis

Texas Supreme Court Draws Widespread Criticism


Workers' Compensation Law Center

Hanna and Plaut LLP

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