Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Stimulus package and Rick Perry.

With today's economy and the constant fluctuation of jobs it would seem like suicide to be a governor and to not accept a stimulus package from the government. Well, that seems to be what Rick Perry is doing within this article.

Some speculate Texas Gov. Rick Perry may reject aid from stimulus package

It sums up the fact that Rick Perry may reject the stimulus package, and some responsible lawmakers would like wording to be added so that they may bypass the governor. This in turn would allow the responsible lawmakers the ability to re-issue taxpayer money to the community to help with the already failing economy.

The article also continues to explain how Rick Perry does not want to be associated with any "bailout" which, it suggests, was an unpopular matter for voters on Wallstreet.

As a voter this angers me and makes me wonder how someone with money could be more concerned with a vote than the unemployed in his own state, which is when I came across this article.

Jobless-pay fund may run dry this fall

It appears that although Rick Perry may be looking at rejecting the stimulus bill, it is for good cause. $555 million of that stimulus money comes with a clause for the state to open up its wings and allow more people to qualify for payments. This could mean that by accepting this money we could be shooting ourselves in the foot by creating a much greater pool of people living off the system. This would last long after the stimulus money has gone and could result in new taxes and new issues.

The article mainly talks about the truly dire situation we are in with the unemployed number going higher and the amount of cash within the bank to help supplement them steadily decreasing. Looking at the possibility of unemployment in the near future myself, it angers me to see how this country is run and the people who abuse it, but it happens.

Both articles show how politics spin the media to help garner a vote or to show they are doing something. Some will want the money even though it may only help them short term. Some will read this and understand that the media can be one sided and there is much more to the story, over all. More free-loaders on the system will not help matters, and I am not talking about the people in trouble trying to make ends meet. I am referring to the people who abuse the system. We are in trouble and without the money there is no telling what will happen, but unemployment will only provide $154 a week for me if I were to lose my job. That does not even cover my electric bill, so it may not be the only solution.

Allison Castle spokeswoman for Perry summed it all up for me at the end of this article...

"He has to take a 40,000-foot view of how these types of decisions impact all Texans,” she said. “He represents all Texans — employed and unemployed.”

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